Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Vi Apigo Exposes Inside Politics of FFWPU Korea and CP

(Editorial Note: Vi Apigo gives a unique and well presented article about the political powers influencing the current state of affairs in the FFWPU, CP, and the Han Mother situation.  Vi clearly outlines what has been going on at the highest echelons of our movement and how that affect current doctrine being taught by these various power brokers. This is a must read.)

Hello Brothers and Sisters,
This may help solve the puzzle you are solving regarding the recent issues about FFWPU.
From 2005-2007 i had a chance to live and work inside CP as translator of CSG to Filipino language. At that time i have learned that there are three groups in the FFWPU who are competing for positions and recognition from True Father. These groups have their own network to lure members to their sides. And these three groups have their own candidate for the heir of True Father as the next king. These groups are Rev. Kwak's group, the Cheongpyeong Group headed by Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim and the third group is Rev. Hwang's group.
These three groups are supposed to be the dicsiples for propagating God's Will as what True Father says it. However, what i saw is that they are competing against each other for True Father's approval of their own ideas or projects or candidates for certain position for their own purposes.
Their main goal is for their candidate for heir of True Father to be crowned as the next king.
As you know Rev. Kwak is pushing through to make Hyun Jin Nim as the heir of True Father. So they spread words that Hyun Jin Nim is the eldest son at this time, so he should be the heir. They tried to push this idea using korean tradition wherein the eldest son receives the inheritance of parents position and wealth.
The next group is the CP group. They had a plan to make one brother of Mrs. Kim Hyo Nam to become legal kin of Mother. If this happened then the CP group can make him the heir, when Mother becomes disfunctional. However this did not worked well. I heard the nurses at the hospital did not unite with this project so they cannot make that brother Mother's kin/brother legally.
When the idea about the Only Begotten Daugther (OBD), that Mother is sinless and Father is sinful came out the CP group bought this idea. However after August 30, when Elder Victoriuos Cain Kook Jin Nim crowned his younger brother Victorious Abel as the heir of True Father and the second King of CIG, Mrs. Kim's group changed their ideology. Mrs. Kim's spiritual father and spiritual grandfather who were giving lecture that Mother is the OBD, and sinless started to declare otherwise. They said Mother is sinful. They also announced that Yoksa in CP has stopped because only Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim was given the authority to do that by True Father.
Now the group of Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim is trying to make their own group in Japan telling japanese members to join them because Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim is the only one who can do liberation and blessing of ancestors.
The third group is Rev. Sun Jo Hwang's group. This group's candidate for heir is one of the sons of Hyo Jin Nim. I think they got this idea from the fact that Hyo Jin Nim is the eldest son born of the True Parents.
During that time i was in CP, i did not understand why the group of Rev. Hwang has serious interest in the teachings and activities of Nakayama. One of his beloved supporter had ask me about the Nakayama group of which i knew that they have declared their woman leader as Mother God. I myself saw that video wherein they had gloriously prepared the stage in Cuneta Astrodone in Manila Philippines to proclaim nakayama's woman leader being God.
So Rev. Hwang's group was very interested in that event. I did not know why. But later i heard from Rev. Hyung Jin Moon that the FFWPU is teaching about the Only Begotten Daugther and that Mother is sinless and that Father was the one who fell with satan and that Father is sinful because he has the 6 Marys.
Since there is only three groups who has been competing against each other to rule over the whole FFWPU after Father goes to the spirit world, let us try to look who could have been teaching such thing as those mentioned above. And what group will finally support the idea that Mother is the female God.
Rev. Kwak's group wants Hyun Jin Nim to become the heir. They did this by getting as much FFWPU properties and organizations as they can get to their names. Their view is that those properties are owned by members so members should enjoy them. They lure members by helping them financially using the huge amount of money and properties they got from FFWPU. Their purpose is to have enough base and support to proclaim Hyun Jin Nim as the true heir of True Father.
Rev. Kkwak's group cannot teach about the OBD idea because they ultimately wants Hyun Jin Nim to be the messiah, the fourth adam. Do you remember? Around 2008 i had been hearing this whispers from few of my friends and some korean acquiantances.
Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim used her spiritual power to heal members through CP to lure members come.into their network. Of course she has spiritual but it is not from her origin. That spiritual power originated from God and True Father who gave her permission to do that providential works. As they did that work they got so much donations from the worldwide membership and created their own network among members and in the society. Their purpose is to have a base so when the brother, whom they wanted to make Mother's legal brother, become officially and legally a brother of Mother, they can also make him Father's heir when Mother becomes disfunctional.
However this did not worked well for them. Now they are luring japanses members to continue believe in Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim as the bonafide spiritualist of FFWPU who can liberate and bless our ancestors. When spiritualist disunited with the one who gave them spiritual power, they usually go back to where they started, no more special spiritual power to help God's children.
At first Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim unites with the OBD idea but after August 30, 2015 they changed their view and started their campaign in japan.
So the group of Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim cannot teach the OBD idea because they already disregarded that afrer August 30 this years.
Now it is only one group who could possibly the strong supporter of the OBD idea. It is Rev. Hwang's group and the network he has mastered while he is at a high position.
I personally knew that his group is very interested in the nakayama group. And after thinking about what happened on the January 13 Foundation, i see it as very similar to the nakayama group when they proclaimed their woman leader as God in the Philippines.
So the only one who can teach that Mother is sinless, that Mother is the Only Begotten Daugther (OBD) is the group of Rev. Hwang. Who else do you think? I do not know of another group inside the FFWPU who is willing to teach this to our brothers and sisters. It could only be the group of Rev. Hwang.
Their purpose is to make Mother the absolute authority so she can easily change or erase what Father has proclaimed and what Father has done throughtout his life. If they can make Mother the absolute authority, even higher that God and Father as presented in their new trinity (God and Father are inside Mother), then Mother Han can easily change the heir.
So Rev. Hwang's group who does not have enough money left, since Rev. Kwak and Mrs. Kim, has gotten a lot to their names or relative's names, has to use anything left to make Mother go to that image, the OBD, the Messiah and finally they will proclaim her as God. Mother is also uniting with this group so she also tell herself as the OBD and the Messiah on her Oct. 24 speech.
So Brothers and Sisters, all of these three groups, who are supposed to totally unite with True Father had been doing their own things. They are supposed to be True Father's main disciples but could not carry out that mission successfully.
Please pray sincerely about your decisions. Will you go to one of these groups? Or will you go to the heir that True Parents proclaimed and crowned three times?
Please please pray deeply and sincerely. God does not force anybody. You need to seek, knock and ask and the answers shall be given unto you. Aju.
May God bless you more and more.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Important Statement from HQ

The Era of Cheong Pyung is over.

The Second King of CIG wants every blessed family to know that ancestors in the spiritual world are very upset with the Han Mother and her disobedience in True Father. Ancestors needs to know that God's lineage is firmly established through the Three Kingship providence. This is a very important aspect of the upcoming Ancestor Liberation and Blessing being held this coming Sunday, December 6th at Sanctuary Church.
For more information about the Liberation Ceremony, go to the Sanctuary-PA.org website
12-1-2015 11-06-57 AM

There is time to participate!

The liberation ceremony is THIS Sunday, Dec 6th.
Go now to the Sanctuary-PA website, download the form, and send it back by email.
No donation is required.
10-30-2015 2-56-44 PM

Participate remotely via the Internet.

Simply go to the Sanctuary-NorCal.org site and click on the big red "Sunday Service" button.
NOTE: The time in California will be 8 am PST
Share this email with brothers and sisters so they too can freely have their ancestors blessed

Friday, November 27, 2015


It is love, life and LINEAGE.

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon’s most recent sermons truly validate Father’s insistence of the importance of lineage in his series:

  • Blood Wars-11/08/2015
  • Living Blood-11/15/2015
  • Good vs Evil Blood-11/22/2015

Hyung Jin Nim talks about the impact of reproductive strategies that affect our DNA causing two distinct divisions of how people see and react to the world around them.  These strategies are:
  • “r” type strategy of adaptation - Unpredictable Environment - reproduce quickly - single parenting
  • “K” type strategy of adaptation - Quality over quantity - High investment into offspring / High loyalty
He ties in how these strategies affect us as individuals and societies, as well as our blood lineage, to how important it is for us to graft to the Messiah’s lineage.  He covers how Epigenetics, the study of the field of genetics connects to Father’s words.  Science and Religion agree.

Listen to these podcasts at: http://Sanctuary.audio

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Yeon Ah Nim’s Interviews Audio Podcasts

Yeon Ah Nim’s Interviews are now available as Audio Podcasts.  These wonderful testimonies offer a true insight not only to Yeon Ah Nim’s heart and faith but also to the current state of the Providence.  Listen and share.

Interview Part 2

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Blown Away Again!

According to the Exposition of the Divine Principle:

"Religion and science, setting out with the missions of dispelling the two aspects of human ignorance, have seemed in the course of their development to take positions that were contradictory and irreconcilable. However, for humankind to completely overcome the two aspects of ignorance and fully realize the goodness which the original mind desires, at some point in history there must emerge a new truth which can reconcile religion and science and resolve their problems in an integrated undertaking."

I’ve always believed this fundamental point that both science and religion should help us understand and appreciate God the creator of all things internal and external.  As a computer programmer by trade, I really resonate with this logic. We also have that logic in the Principle of the dualities in nature that clearly explains so much about the Cosmos.  When I first joined the church this beautiful awesome conception of how the Universe was created as an expression of God’s heart, intellect and will just blew me away.

Now I have been blown away again!  Hyung Jin Nim brings religion and science together in a very powerful, unique and insightful way.

Hyung Jin Nim’s two most recent sermons have lifted a veil of darkness from my eyes.  Especially now living in the shadows of my wife’s hometown of Berkeley, CA, I have wondered how there can be two such sharply divided views of life and politics that are delineated by liberalism and conservatism.  In these two sermons he points out that there is a battle between God and Satan over the DNA of our blood and that Father is absolutely correct about the importance of lineage.  In these two sermons Hyung Jin Nim discusses this battle from both religious terms and scientific explanations in a powerful way.  This is a stunning summary of so many things.

I will not attempt to explain this amazing revelation in this short post.  My only hope is to whet your appetite to listen to these sermons if you have not already heard them or listen to them again if you have.

Click on the links below.

Blessings, and consider yourself hugged.

Kyle Toffey, Pastor of Sanctuary-NorCal

Blood Wars - Video / Audio Podcast
Living Blood - Video / Audio Podcast

Monday, November 9, 2015

NEW: NorCal Report Webpage

Sanctuary-NorCal is excited to announce:

The NorCal Report website: http://NorCalReport.com

The NorCal Report is a Sanctuary Unification news aggregation website which is run by the Sanctuary - Northern California also known as Sanctuary-NorCal.org. The site consists mainly of posts, blogs and articles from members supporting Rev. Hyung Jin Moon’s ministry. It includes information from Sanctuary headquarters, links to current sermons, posts from various departments at the headquarters as well as many members' posts on Facebook and other social sites.

News and posts are moving very fast these days. It is hard to remember who said what, where or when. It is especially hard to go back into Facebook to find a post you read and want to see again. This site gives people a single resource to read about what is going on.

This site is just beginning. Please submit any comments, suggestions, or concerns about the site. If you would like to have your own column box on the site also please let us know. You can reach The NorCal Report by filling out the form at the bottom of the NorCalReport.com webpage.

Note: The NorCal Report news and views are not necessarily reflective of World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Sanctuary Church of Newfoundland or our founder.

Please check it out.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015


​Mark Alexander wrote this wonderful piece that I have entitled:

Imagine that you were Hyung Jin Nim 

This was written in response to a letter by Larry Moffitt and appeared on Facebook but it is too good to just let it pass.  

Frankly I have a hard time imagining what Hyung Jin Nim has gone through and how sincerely he has been working to uphold True Father's legacy.  Mark puts things into perspective.

Please read.

It can be found under Featured Documents of the Library page in Sanctuary-NorCal.org

Very Important 8 minutes... A must listen


What did she just say?  Audio  Video

This short excerpt from Hyung Jin Nim's sermon last week needs to be heard by all Unificationists everywhere.  On Oct 24th, Han Mother proclaimed that the 2000 year history was not so Jesus could come again and restore the Eve position as Divine Principle says.  Instead she said that Christian history was "...for finding the Only Begotten Daughter." She continued to say that the history of the Korean peninsula "was to await the birth of the Lord of the Second Advent; the Only Begotten Daughter."

Sorry but this does not jive with my understanding of Divine Principle or True Father's teachings.  So if you are still following FFWPU, I am wondering how this squares with your understanding of the principles of restoration.

This excerpt is only 8 minutes and 21 seconds.  

Click on these links now:

For more information, check out: http://Sanctuary-NorCal.org

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Eight Great Textbooks Available for Easy Download

...Father spoke these words, directed these texts, supervised their publications, blessed them, and for me, that settles it! 

As True Father said, "I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity."  

Father's words are Father's words.  No matter how united Han Mother might have been or might be, it is impossible to change words that have been spoken and recorded.   Politicians always seem to try to take back their own words, but even that is impossible.

True Father freely gave these words to the world and has entrusted them to his heir Hyung Jin Moon.  I am sure not all the interpretations are perfect, the English may not be completely accurate, or that the order of things may not always make the best sense.  But Father spoke these words, directed these text, supervised their publications, and blessed them, and for me, that settles it!  What part of "all eternity" don't people understand?

These documents are freely available in the Library section at Sanctuary-NorCal.org.  And, because these are in digital (PDF) format, it is possible to do your own searches and explore them easily.

Use wisely!

Pastor Kyle

Monday, November 2, 2015

"Foundations of Cheon Il Guk" by Hyung Jin Moon - 2015-11-01 Sermon

Audio Podcast is now available.

This sermon covers such important topics of the family as the cornerstone of society. Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim talk about being true men and women, true husband and wife, as well as childrearing. The Kingdom of Heaven is not fairy tale kind of place, but real people facing real issues of growth, freedom and responsibility. Very powerful.

Friday, October 30, 2015

IMPORTANT: Daylight Savings Time over this Sunday

Sunday Service is still 11:00 AM in Newfoundland Sanctuary Church, but the Time Zone is changing to Standard Time instead of Daylight Savings Time. 

What does this mean?

If you are not in a time zone that changes on Sunday, the service will be ONE HOUR EARLIER.  Please check the following time table:

And remember to click on the red "Live Service" button on our Sanctuary-NorCal.org website.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Judged by a Tea Bag!

Judgement comes in strange ways.

I just wrote about judgement I received from a tea bag.  Yes, a tea bag.  Me, a coffee drinker at that.  Read why this particular bag of tea has helped me understand the schism of our movement.

You can find the article in the library section of Sanctuary-NorCal.org or simply click here...

Judged by a Tea Bag!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

(Japanese) Transcript Han Mother's Speech on 10/24/15

Han Mother's speech was transcribed into Korean and Japanese

This was posted on Facebook by Masako Ando and here is her observation:

This looks like Han Mother's declaration of Female Messiah made on 10/24/2015 at Cheong Pyeong Training Center (Japanese translation). FF usually posts an English translation in their website soon later. The speech completely skips the LSA in the providence of restoration in Christianity: directly from Jesus to the God's only begotten daughter.

Some of you are Japanese or have Japanese spouses, so this is for you.

You will find this in our Library at http://Sanctuary-NorCal.org/the-library

Monday, October 26, 2015

Liberation and Blessing of Ancestors

URGENT: Time is of the essence...
December 6, 2015
Liberation and Blessing of Ancestors
210 Generation of Ancestor Liberation
December 6, 2015 - (just about 40 days away as of post)
No flights to Korea, No lengthy sessions, No high cost charges!
Just God's blessing through True Father's anointed heirs.

Print out the form and send it in ASAP and start your family pray preparation now!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Powerful Rebuttal of Dr. Hendricks' Video Presentation (Part 1)

Point by Point Rebuttal To Dr. Hendricks' Presentation (Part 1)

This is an excellent and powerful rebuttal of Dr.Tyler Hendricks’ video presentation.  The author goes virtually line by line not only refuting statements in the video, but also detailing note on the rhetoric.  FFWPU put a lot of resources into producing Tyler’s slick video that this member spent personal time and energy to point out errors in Tyler’s assumptions.  

Find the document here: http://www.sanctuary-norcal.org/the-library.html

(Special thanks to this sideline warrior contributor.)

Monday, October 19, 2015

Dr Richard Panzer Tells us to, "Throw Out Your Divine Principle" if you want to believe what FFWPU is selling.

"Throw Out Your Divine Principle"

With great witticism, Richard Panzer is telling us we would have to discard our Divine Principle in order to believe what FFWPU is telling is. He also is letting us know that the chances of Hyung Jin Nim changing his Divine Principle is Slim to None, and Slim just left town.

A good read...

You can find it at this link: Sanctuary-NorCal Library

Yesterday's sermon "The Eternal Kingdom" by Rev. Hyung Jin Moon is available online. 

Video: YouTube  

(Note that the video link is starting at the beginning of his sermon which is about 31 minutes into the entire service.)

Audio:  Podcast 

Just in... Document on Changes of the 8 Great Textbooks

This document just came in and is available for downloading

Difficulties with Changing the Cheon Il Guk Scripture Ignoring True Father’s Eight Great Textbooks by Blessed Family Committee to protect True Father's Cheon Seong Gyeong and Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong.

It appears this was first published July 2013.  It has three chapters and is well documented:

  1. True Father's words regarding Cheon Seong Gyeong and other textbooks
  2. Problem with the new editions
  3. Refuting Church Publication Committee
I understand this is from concerned scholars in Korea.  I will try to find out the history of this, but I think members will want to start reviewing this right away.  

It can be found at our Library page.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Persecuted Sanctuary symbol

This week I put up a downloadable version of "The Persecuted Sanctuary" flag that Rev. Hyung Jin Moon uses.  I received a question about the symbol and realized that new people have no idea what that is or why it is.  So this our first official question on the Sanctuary-NorCal.org Q&A page.

Check it out:  What is the meaning of the logo, known as “The Persecuted Sanctuary”, of the Sanctuary Church?

Friday, October 16, 2015

Letter to In Jin Nim from Kerry Williams

In In Jin Nim's sermon of Sept 20th, 2015 entitled "What is Love", she addressed her younger brother Hyung Jin Nim's Sanctuary ministry.  Kerry Williams felt compelled to respond to accusation in that sermon.

Kerry put a lot of prayer, thought and love into a response to In Jin Nim.  Kerry is a graduate of the Unification Theology Seminary and supporter of Sanctuary Church.  Her logic is truly matched with her heart in this piece.  The more we read such wonderful documents the better we can be armored with logic and love when we meet brothers and sisters who don't understand what is going on.

Thank you Kerry for submitting this!

You can find this document in 'The Library' section of http://Sanctuary-NorCal.org or simply click on the following link:

Letter to In Jin Nim from Kerry Williams

Exciting New Content

Two new items of interest on our 
Sanctuary-NorCal.org site

Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk

First and most important is a PRINTABLE text version of the Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk.

Last week Hyung Jin Nim made this historic proclamation.  It was available in audio and video format earlier, but now we have it it a written format.  This will make studying this document much easier.  Please take time to download this file to read and digest this very important document.

Here is a shortcut to this document:  http://tinyurl.com/nb85w6k

Persecution Sanctuary Flag

Secondly, I received a printable file for the "Persecuted Sanctuary" flag that Hyung Jin Nim made after the FFWPU and UC closed down his YouTube channel because they claimed a copyright for the Unification 12 Gate mark.  That was an outrage and simplizes how they are persecuting (and affraid of) the Sanctuary ministry.

Here is a shortcut for the flag: http://tinyurl.com/pb58r7m

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Richard Panzer takes on Andrew Wilson

Listen to Richard Panzer’s response to Andrew Wilson’s presentation last month at the Clifton Family Church.  Andrew has refused to debate the issues live, so Richard put this side-by-side video rebuttal.   It is good material.

This audio is provided as a service of http://Sanctuary-NorCal.org

As Richard Panzer said,

On September 27, 2015, UTS professor Andrew Wilson gave a presentation at the Clifton Family Church in which he explained his enthusiastic support for Mother's theological proclamations and strong criticism of Hyung Jin Nim's ministry. 

I reached out to Andrew to see if he would like to participate in a public forum to discuss these important issues in the Unification Movement, but he declined.
Consequently I have decided to create a video response with the title, "My Response to Andrew Wilson."

Saturday, October 10, 2015



What: Declaration of the Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Gook
Where: Online / live stream from Sanctuary Church, Newfoundland, PA.
When: 11:00 AM EST (NYC time) or 8:00 AM PST (California)
How: Use the red "Live Sunday Service Worship!" button on Sanctuary-NorCal.org home page

Hear ye, Hear ye...

The Second King of Cheon Il Gook, Hyung Jin Moon, will host a special ceremony for the “Declaration of the Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Gook” on Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 11:00 am.
This ceremony will be held at Sanctuary Church, Newfoundland, PA.
Join us for this historical event live and as well broadcast to the worldwide membership as we move forward toward building the substantial Kingdom of God on earth.

Members around the world are going to Pennsylvania to support Rev. Hyung Jin Moon as he publicly declares this historic document.  You too can participate from wherever you are.  Gather family and friends to join you as you watch via the Internet.

Please join in this very historic event!


Pastor Kyle, Sanctuary-NorCal.org

Monday, October 5, 2015

Newsletter from Dr Panzer...

In Sunday's fascinating and powerful sermon, Hyung Jin Nim discusses how in history, democracies have always degraded into mob rule, where minorities are persecuted for their beliefs, leading to oligarchy and tyranny. 

The American founders did not create a "democracy," but rather a representative form of government called a "republic," with limits on the power of the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Tragically, through unconstitutional grabs for power, the U.S. government no longer has effective limits on the power of the executive or judicial branches. 

Similarly, the Constitution of the CIG proclaimed by the FFWPU centralizes power in a "Supreme Council" which cannot be investigated or audited. It is not a document that protects freedom of speech or human rights. 

The Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk to be made public next Sunday at the Sanctuary Church will be a document where God-given rights and responsibilities as well as limits on federal government are clearly stated. 

Isn't it hopeful and refreshing to have a member of the True Family who cares about these issues and seeks to envision a form of government that one would actually want to live in? Hyung Jin Nim's commitment to fighting for freedom is not just lip service. 
Even skeptics of his ministry have acknowledged that he and Kook Jin Nim played an instrumental role in supporting Mr. Goto's court case that his human rights were violated through his 12 years 7 months of confinement by faith breakers. On September 29, Japan's Supreme Court vindicated his case, which he states was "not just a personal fight," but also on behalf of the 4,300 victims of abduction and confinement during the past 50 years. He also made it clear that there are still brothers and sisters in Japan are confined by faith breakers.

Given the reality of oligarchy and tyranny in this world, shouldn't it be even more crucial to have PROTECTIONS OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND HUMAN RIGHTS in the constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven? 
Finally, I'd like to renew the invitation sent out previously to have a public forum with Dr. Balcomb, Dr. Wilson, or any representative they can find who still believes in FFWPU's veracity, and myself to have a lively, but respectful discussion about all of these important issues. Here is the announcement from 2 weeks ago. 

In the midst of conflicting claims by the Family Federation and by supporters of the Unification Sanctuary, I would like to propose a public forum in the NY/NJ area. Dr. Wilson, Dr. Balcomb, or anyone the Family Federation chooses could speak first about Mother's new theological innovations and why they believe these deserve our support. I would follow with a statement about Hyung Jin Nim's concerns, and then we could have Q&A. We could have a lively, but respectful, discussion about how to preserve True Father's real legacy to which many of us have given many decades of our lives.  What do you think?

May God bless you and your families! 
Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President
World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Just in from Sanctuary HQ: ANCESTORS LIBERATION

Hyung Jin Nim, crowned as the second King of Cheon Il Guk, announced on August 31 that he would provide a way for Blessed Central Families around the world to quickly complete the liberation of eight lines of ancestors to the 210th generation as instructed by True Father.
This ceremony will take place on Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 11:00 am.
Please join us at Sanctuary Church or via broadcast.
Hyung Jin Nim told a group of visiting families from Japan, Korea and Europe that any Blessed Central Family that has not completed True Father's instruction could send to Sanctuary Church name lists of their ancestors to the extent that the information is available. He said he would use these lists to liberate the submitting family's ancestors to the 210th generation, including those ancestors whose names are unknown.
Hyung Jin Nim said he would leave it up to each family to decide the level of any donation to be made to Sanctuary Church in connection with this liberation of ancestors. There would be no suggested minimum for such donations, he said. (posted by Tim Elder)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mark Your Calendar for Sunday, Oct. 11th at 11am EDT!

Declaration of the Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Gook

The Second King of Cheon Il Gook, Hyung Jin Moon, will host a special ceremony for the “Declaration of the Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Gook” on Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 11:00 am.  This ceremony will be held at Sanctuary Church, Newfoundland, PA.

You can join us for this historical event via a live broadcast to the worldwide membership as we move forward toward building the substantial Kingdom of God on earth.

Stay tuned... On that day click the "Live Sunday Service Worship!" button on Sanctuary-NorCal.org  This is a historic and important day.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Q&A Page at Sanctuary-NorCal.org

I am even more excited to create this new page on http://Sanctuary-NorCal.org... “Q&A”

The purpose of this page is to answer questions that people have about Sanctuary Church.  Frankly, I don't have answers but I am sure I can get them. So, if you have questions about the Providence, Hyung Jin Nim's ministry, things FFWPU is doing, or about Han Mother, please feel free to submit them to: Pastor@Sanctuary-NorCal.org   I will do my best to find answers to your questions.

Hope this will be a useful resource.

I don't want to live in North Korea

Does your vision of Cheon Il Guk include a top-down authoritarian government like in North Korea or one that focuses on the rights and freedom of individuals so they can reach their maximum potential without government intervention? My answer to that question is easy.  Hyung Jin Moon clearly delineates the differences between the constitutions being offered out of FFWPU and the one he is promoting.  Another powerful sermon.

Listen to the audio podcast of Hyung Jin Moons sermon, “The Millennium Reign of Christ”

More audio sermons at: http://hyungjinnim.libsyn.com/

Sunday, September 27, 2015

New Testimonies Page with Kerry Williams new testimony

I just added a new section in Sanctuary-NorCal.org - "Testimonies" I've been reading some wonderful writings and not known just what to do with them in the site.  Voila! A special page viewer can go to to read inspiring and strengthening words.  Some of these testimonies are from Facebook, but they often can get lost over time.  Here people can easily find these.

Just in, a brilliant, heart felt and articulate testimony by Kerry Williams.  Soon to come others now that I have a place for them.

Feel free to send me your testimony to: Pastor@Sanctuary-NorCal.org

Friday, September 25, 2015

FB post by Timothy Elder: Family Federation lawyers have struck again.

Not satisfied with stopping Sanctuary Church from using True Father's Unification Symbol, the lawyers have filed an application to trademark the phrase, "Cheon Il Guk". The clear intent is to establish a legal basis to deny use of this term by anyone or any organization that does not submit to the dictatorship of CheongPyeong and the Family Federation.
The document shows that the application was filed on September 14, 2015. It was due only to the guidance of spirit world that a member of the Sanctuary Church congregation discovered this filing only a few days after it was made. He says he was watching a football game when he received an inspiration to search a trademark database for "Cheon Il Guk". Praise God! Thank you, Father.
The Family Federation lawyers probably hoped they could complete the registration process before anyone else got wind of what was going on. Now, a bright light has been cast on their shenanigans.