Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Blown Away Again!

According to the Exposition of the Divine Principle:

"Religion and science, setting out with the missions of dispelling the two aspects of human ignorance, have seemed in the course of their development to take positions that were contradictory and irreconcilable. However, for humankind to completely overcome the two aspects of ignorance and fully realize the goodness which the original mind desires, at some point in history there must emerge a new truth which can reconcile religion and science and resolve their problems in an integrated undertaking."

I’ve always believed this fundamental point that both science and religion should help us understand and appreciate God the creator of all things internal and external.  As a computer programmer by trade, I really resonate with this logic. We also have that logic in the Principle of the dualities in nature that clearly explains so much about the Cosmos.  When I first joined the church this beautiful awesome conception of how the Universe was created as an expression of God’s heart, intellect and will just blew me away.

Now I have been blown away again!  Hyung Jin Nim brings religion and science together in a very powerful, unique and insightful way.

Hyung Jin Nim’s two most recent sermons have lifted a veil of darkness from my eyes.  Especially now living in the shadows of my wife’s hometown of Berkeley, CA, I have wondered how there can be two such sharply divided views of life and politics that are delineated by liberalism and conservatism.  In these two sermons he points out that there is a battle between God and Satan over the DNA of our blood and that Father is absolutely correct about the importance of lineage.  In these two sermons Hyung Jin Nim discusses this battle from both religious terms and scientific explanations in a powerful way.  This is a stunning summary of so many things.

I will not attempt to explain this amazing revelation in this short post.  My only hope is to whet your appetite to listen to these sermons if you have not already heard them or listen to them again if you have.

Click on the links below.

Blessings, and consider yourself hugged.

Kyle Toffey, Pastor of Sanctuary-NorCal

Blood Wars - Video / Audio Podcast
Living Blood - Video / Audio Podcast

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