Monday, October 5, 2015

Newsletter from Dr Panzer...

In Sunday's fascinating and powerful sermon, Hyung Jin Nim discusses how in history, democracies have always degraded into mob rule, where minorities are persecuted for their beliefs, leading to oligarchy and tyranny. 

The American founders did not create a "democracy," but rather a representative form of government called a "republic," with limits on the power of the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Tragically, through unconstitutional grabs for power, the U.S. government no longer has effective limits on the power of the executive or judicial branches. 

Similarly, the Constitution of the CIG proclaimed by the FFWPU centralizes power in a "Supreme Council" which cannot be investigated or audited. It is not a document that protects freedom of speech or human rights. 

The Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk to be made public next Sunday at the Sanctuary Church will be a document where God-given rights and responsibilities as well as limits on federal government are clearly stated. 

Isn't it hopeful and refreshing to have a member of the True Family who cares about these issues and seeks to envision a form of government that one would actually want to live in? Hyung Jin Nim's commitment to fighting for freedom is not just lip service. 
Even skeptics of his ministry have acknowledged that he and Kook Jin Nim played an instrumental role in supporting Mr. Goto's court case that his human rights were violated through his 12 years 7 months of confinement by faith breakers. On September 29, Japan's Supreme Court vindicated his case, which he states was "not just a personal fight," but also on behalf of the 4,300 victims of abduction and confinement during the past 50 years. He also made it clear that there are still brothers and sisters in Japan are confined by faith breakers.

Given the reality of oligarchy and tyranny in this world, shouldn't it be even more crucial to have PROTECTIONS OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND HUMAN RIGHTS in the constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven? 
Finally, I'd like to renew the invitation sent out previously to have a public forum with Dr. Balcomb, Dr. Wilson, or any representative they can find who still believes in FFWPU's veracity, and myself to have a lively, but respectful discussion about all of these important issues. Here is the announcement from 2 weeks ago. 

In the midst of conflicting claims by the Family Federation and by supporters of the Unification Sanctuary, I would like to propose a public forum in the NY/NJ area. Dr. Wilson, Dr. Balcomb, or anyone the Family Federation chooses could speak first about Mother's new theological innovations and why they believe these deserve our support. I would follow with a statement about Hyung Jin Nim's concerns, and then we could have Q&A. We could have a lively, but respectful, discussion about how to preserve True Father's real legacy to which many of us have given many decades of our lives.  What do you think?

May God bless you and your families! 
Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President
World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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