Friday, October 16, 2015

Exciting New Content

Two new items of interest on our site

Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk

First and most important is a PRINTABLE text version of the Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk.

Last week Hyung Jin Nim made this historic proclamation.  It was available in audio and video format earlier, but now we have it it a written format.  This will make studying this document much easier.  Please take time to download this file to read and digest this very important document.

Here is a shortcut to this document:

Persecution Sanctuary Flag

Secondly, I received a printable file for the "Persecuted Sanctuary" flag that Hyung Jin Nim made after the FFWPU and UC closed down his YouTube channel because they claimed a copyright for the Unification 12 Gate mark.  That was an outrage and simplizes how they are persecuting (and affraid of) the Sanctuary ministry.

Here is a shortcut for the flag:

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