Sunday, January 10, 2016

It is an outrage what Bishop Kim said in NYC!!!

I take extreme umbrage to Bishop Kim’s statement that Hyung Jin Nim was fired by Mother because he did not understand True Parents!  That is utter nonsense and blatantly false.   Bishop Kim should be ashamed of himself and immediately step down as a representative of FFWPU and Mother.

Hyung Jin Nim was at True Father’s side day and night in Father’s final years.  Why?  Because Hyung Jin Nim was the one who truly did understand Father and his heart.  That is why Father made Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim his heirs.  To imply anything other means that Father was a fool and Hyung Jin Nim was just playing some political game.

I was in Korea when Hyung Jin Nim had his “Come to Father” moment.  Up to then I would have described Hyung Jin Nim as a filial son.  But upon his “Seven Deaths and Resurrections” realization, Hyung Jin Nim became a born again Unificationist realizing that Father had died for his salvation and the salvation of the world.  This is stuff you can’t fake.  Anyone who has been watching Hyung Jin Nim can see that he professes his need and love for True Father. From that moment until now Hyung Jin Nim’s main focus has been to uphold True Father’s love, lineage and legacy.

Hyung Jin Nim tried desperately to work with Mother and help her keep her proper position as Bride of Christ. But she threw Hyung Jin Nim under the bus as she began to desecrate True Father’s legacy.  

Bishop Kim, how dare you say that Hyung Jin Nim did not understand True Parents!