Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Vi Apigo Exposes Inside Politics of FFWPU Korea and CP

(Editorial Note: Vi Apigo gives a unique and well presented article about the political powers influencing the current state of affairs in the FFWPU, CP, and the Han Mother situation.  Vi clearly outlines what has been going on at the highest echelons of our movement and how that affect current doctrine being taught by these various power brokers. This is a must read.)

Hello Brothers and Sisters,
This may help solve the puzzle you are solving regarding the recent issues about FFWPU.
From 2005-2007 i had a chance to live and work inside CP as translator of CSG to Filipino language. At that time i have learned that there are three groups in the FFWPU who are competing for positions and recognition from True Father. These groups have their own network to lure members to their sides. And these three groups have their own candidate for the heir of True Father as the next king. These groups are Rev. Kwak's group, the Cheongpyeong Group headed by Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim and the third group is Rev. Hwang's group.
These three groups are supposed to be the dicsiples for propagating God's Will as what True Father says it. However, what i saw is that they are competing against each other for True Father's approval of their own ideas or projects or candidates for certain position for their own purposes.
Their main goal is for their candidate for heir of True Father to be crowned as the next king.
As you know Rev. Kwak is pushing through to make Hyun Jin Nim as the heir of True Father. So they spread words that Hyun Jin Nim is the eldest son at this time, so he should be the heir. They tried to push this idea using korean tradition wherein the eldest son receives the inheritance of parents position and wealth.
The next group is the CP group. They had a plan to make one brother of Mrs. Kim Hyo Nam to become legal kin of Mother. If this happened then the CP group can make him the heir, when Mother becomes disfunctional. However this did not worked well. I heard the nurses at the hospital did not unite with this project so they cannot make that brother Mother's kin/brother legally.
When the idea about the Only Begotten Daugther (OBD), that Mother is sinless and Father is sinful came out the CP group bought this idea. However after August 30, when Elder Victoriuos Cain Kook Jin Nim crowned his younger brother Victorious Abel as the heir of True Father and the second King of CIG, Mrs. Kim's group changed their ideology. Mrs. Kim's spiritual father and spiritual grandfather who were giving lecture that Mother is the OBD, and sinless started to declare otherwise. They said Mother is sinful. They also announced that Yoksa in CP has stopped because only Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim was given the authority to do that by True Father.
Now the group of Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim is trying to make their own group in Japan telling japanese members to join them because Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim is the only one who can do liberation and blessing of ancestors.
The third group is Rev. Sun Jo Hwang's group. This group's candidate for heir is one of the sons of Hyo Jin Nim. I think they got this idea from the fact that Hyo Jin Nim is the eldest son born of the True Parents.
During that time i was in CP, i did not understand why the group of Rev. Hwang has serious interest in the teachings and activities of Nakayama. One of his beloved supporter had ask me about the Nakayama group of which i knew that they have declared their woman leader as Mother God. I myself saw that video wherein they had gloriously prepared the stage in Cuneta Astrodone in Manila Philippines to proclaim nakayama's woman leader being God.
So Rev. Hwang's group was very interested in that event. I did not know why. But later i heard from Rev. Hyung Jin Moon that the FFWPU is teaching about the Only Begotten Daugther and that Mother is sinless and that Father was the one who fell with satan and that Father is sinful because he has the 6 Marys.
Since there is only three groups who has been competing against each other to rule over the whole FFWPU after Father goes to the spirit world, let us try to look who could have been teaching such thing as those mentioned above. And what group will finally support the idea that Mother is the female God.
Rev. Kwak's group wants Hyun Jin Nim to become the heir. They did this by getting as much FFWPU properties and organizations as they can get to their names. Their view is that those properties are owned by members so members should enjoy them. They lure members by helping them financially using the huge amount of money and properties they got from FFWPU. Their purpose is to have enough base and support to proclaim Hyun Jin Nim as the true heir of True Father.
Rev. Kkwak's group cannot teach about the OBD idea because they ultimately wants Hyun Jin Nim to be the messiah, the fourth adam. Do you remember? Around 2008 i had been hearing this whispers from few of my friends and some korean acquiantances.
Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim used her spiritual power to heal members through CP to lure members come.into their network. Of course she has spiritual but it is not from her origin. That spiritual power originated from God and True Father who gave her permission to do that providential works. As they did that work they got so much donations from the worldwide membership and created their own network among members and in the society. Their purpose is to have a base so when the brother, whom they wanted to make Mother's legal brother, become officially and legally a brother of Mother, they can also make him Father's heir when Mother becomes disfunctional.
However this did not worked well for them. Now they are luring japanses members to continue believe in Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim as the bonafide spiritualist of FFWPU who can liberate and bless our ancestors. When spiritualist disunited with the one who gave them spiritual power, they usually go back to where they started, no more special spiritual power to help God's children.
At first Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim unites with the OBD idea but after August 30, 2015 they changed their view and started their campaign in japan.
So the group of Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim cannot teach the OBD idea because they already disregarded that afrer August 30 this years.
Now it is only one group who could possibly the strong supporter of the OBD idea. It is Rev. Hwang's group and the network he has mastered while he is at a high position.
I personally knew that his group is very interested in the nakayama group. And after thinking about what happened on the January 13 Foundation, i see it as very similar to the nakayama group when they proclaimed their woman leader as God in the Philippines.
So the only one who can teach that Mother is sinless, that Mother is the Only Begotten Daugther (OBD) is the group of Rev. Hwang. Who else do you think? I do not know of another group inside the FFWPU who is willing to teach this to our brothers and sisters. It could only be the group of Rev. Hwang.
Their purpose is to make Mother the absolute authority so she can easily change or erase what Father has proclaimed and what Father has done throughtout his life. If they can make Mother the absolute authority, even higher that God and Father as presented in their new trinity (God and Father are inside Mother), then Mother Han can easily change the heir.
So Rev. Hwang's group who does not have enough money left, since Rev. Kwak and Mrs. Kim, has gotten a lot to their names or relative's names, has to use anything left to make Mother go to that image, the OBD, the Messiah and finally they will proclaim her as God. Mother is also uniting with this group so she also tell herself as the OBD and the Messiah on her Oct. 24 speech.
So Brothers and Sisters, all of these three groups, who are supposed to totally unite with True Father had been doing their own things. They are supposed to be True Father's main disciples but could not carry out that mission successfully.
Please pray sincerely about your decisions. Will you go to one of these groups? Or will you go to the heir that True Parents proclaimed and crowned three times?
Please please pray deeply and sincerely. God does not force anybody. You need to seek, knock and ask and the answers shall be given unto you. Aju.
May God bless you more and more.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Important Statement from HQ

The Era of Cheong Pyung is over.

The Second King of CIG wants every blessed family to know that ancestors in the spiritual world are very upset with the Han Mother and her disobedience in True Father. Ancestors needs to know that God's lineage is firmly established through the Three Kingship providence. This is a very important aspect of the upcoming Ancestor Liberation and Blessing being held this coming Sunday, December 6th at Sanctuary Church.
For more information about the Liberation Ceremony, go to the Sanctuary-PA.org website
12-1-2015 11-06-57 AM

There is time to participate!

The liberation ceremony is THIS Sunday, Dec 6th.
Go now to the Sanctuary-PA website, download the form, and send it back by email.
No donation is required.
10-30-2015 2-56-44 PM

Participate remotely via the Internet.

Simply go to the Sanctuary-NorCal.org site and click on the big red "Sunday Service" button.
NOTE: The time in California will be 8 am PST
Share this email with brothers and sisters so they too can freely have their ancestors blessed